Marvel’s Luke Cage Season 1 Episodes 1-3 Review

Can you name one black superhero who doesn’t have rap or 70’s music as their theme song? No? No worries, neither can I.

Luke Cage Season 1 Episodes 1-3, feeds into the stereotype and the pacing is slow as it sets up this new world that Luke Cage lives in, which is far, far away from Jessica Jones to a point that she has just been reduced to that rebound chick who shot him in the head. However, he’s not too far away from the events of the Avengers first movie.  As the first episode quickly reminds us in a form of a bootlegger announcing that he has HD footage of the events in NY.

My question is where were these cameras placed that they didn’t get damaged? And who would want to see this footage? Gees, the damage caused by the alien invasion, looks similar to the damage on 9/11 and that is considered the worst day in American history.

You won’t catch me buying footage of that day any where let alone on the streets, when I can literally watch it for free every year on Sept. 11 at the same time it happened. I mean, Daredevil gets a newspaper, Jessica Jones gets name drops and some kids cosplaying as avengers, but, Luke Cage needs a bootlegger, because Harlem.Way to shoe horned that information in there, Marvel! You know, just for those people who don’t know by now which marvel universe he is apart of. Which brings me to the scripting.

Which works some of the time, like in the dialogue between the two detectives, Misty Knight and Rafeal Scarfe. But doesn’t work all the time, like in the dialogue between Cottonmouth and Black Mariah. Cottonmouth is the main antagonist, but somewhere between the scripting and the camera work, he doesn’t come across as the perfect Yin to Luke Cage’s yang. In fact, he comes across as nothing. Which is quite disappointing when you compare him with Kilgrave or the Kingpin who Cottonmouth is trying to replace.It’s not until he takes a rocket launcher to Luke’s Apartment Complex, that I became invested in this show. And then I pressed play on the next video and I was back to square one, but that’s a review for next time. 

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